Explore Cordoba with Your Family: A Walking Tour

Explore Cordoba as a family on our walking tour. Discover the city’s rich history and culture with your loved ones. We will visit the Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs, a palace built by the Catholic Monarchs, Isabel, and Ferdinand that is perfect for kids to learn about the history. Climb the Torre de “La Paloma”, a tower of the ancient city wall, where you will get panoramic views of the city. Explore the Torre del Homenaje, a tower in the Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs, and learn about its history. Visit the Baños del Alcázar Califal, an ancient bathhouse, and learn about the way of life during the caliphal period. We will also walk along the Muralla y Estanques, the ancient city walls, and its ponds, which will be an exciting experience for kids. Book now for a fun and educational family experience in Cordoba.