Discover the hidden, lesser-known and twisted side of Rome with this two-hour walking tour. Explore the mysterious alleyways and old streets that tell the tales of sinister crimes, legends, and scandals. Admire the grandiose church of Sant’Andrea della Valle, known for its dramatic architecture and haunted stories. Walk down the bustling Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, where crimes, executions and public beheadings were once held. Visit the historic Campo de’ Fiori, where frightening public executions took place in the past. Explore the beautiful Piazza Farnese, which has a dark history of intrigue and manipulation. Walk through the charming Via Giulia, a street filled with tales of robbery and murder. Discover the secret alleys of Via del Governo Vecchio, where notorious criminals once roamed. Marvel at the imposing Castel Sant’Angelo (from outside), a former prison and a tomb for the Popes, now a museum that tells the story of its haunting past.

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