I have been working for the second century. I finished my guide courses while still studying at Vilnius University. I am Lithuanian. I thought that as a guide I would be able to convince tourists from the Soviet Union that before the annexation in 1940, Lithuania lived in a truly non-Stone Age. I had excellent teachers – VU professor J. Kazlauskas, Z Zinkevičius, Meilė Lukšienė, architectural historian St. Abramauskas, architect restorer St. Mikulionis, the oldest guide of Vinius Juozas Maceikas. I was interested in the architecture of Vilnius and the works of Lithuanian restorers. I prepared excursions about Vilnius Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism. This helped to remain in the tourism market even after Lithuania regained its independence. Together with colleagues, we created guide organizations – the Lithuanian Guides Guild and the Vilnius Guides Community. I organized Guild courses for guides, which we later passed on to the Vilnius Tourism Information Center. In these courses, I still lead study tours and guide the practice of future guides. Awarded the Distinctive Badges of the State Department of Tourism more than once, in 2002 nominated “Guide-Encyclopedia” in 2007 awarded the statue of St. Christopher. I have been volunteering at Medard Choboto Third Century University for 25 years. Initially I headed the Faculty of Tourism, now for 10 years I am the dean of the Faculty of Culture.

Vilnius catacombs tour